[BlueObelisk-discuss] "Predicting Chemical Liabilities with Bioclipse and OpenTox" workshop in Mainz, 30 Sept 2013
Egon Willighagen
2013-08-29 09:11:45 UTC
Hi all,

Ola Spjuth and I will give a workshop on "Predicting Chemical
Liabilities with Bioclipse and OpenTox" at the European OpenTox
meeting in Mainz/Germany from September 30 to October 2nd.

Information on the full program (with many exciting presentations too,
actually), can be found here:


Bioclipse, of course, is one of the projects aligned with the Blue
Obelisk, and incorporates various other ODOSOS components, as outlined
in our recent paper in BMC Research Notes [0].

Early-booking hotel prices are available until this Saturday, if you
like to take advantage of that:


Please also ping me if you are interested in a Blue Obelisk meeting or
dinner. Looking forward to meet up again with the Open Science
chemistry community!

With kind regards,

Egon Willighagen

Dr E.L. Willighagen
Postdoctoral Researcher
Department of Bioinformatics - BiGCaT
Maastricht University (http://www.bigcat.unimaas.nl/)
Homepage: http://egonw.github.com/
LinkedIn: http://se.linkedin.com/in/egonw
Blog: http://chem-bla-ics.blogspot.com/
PubList: http://www.citeulike.org/user/egonw/tag/papers
ORCID: 0000-0001-7542-0286
Peter Murray-Rust
2013-08-29 09:36:10 UTC
Thanks very much for your energy, Egon

On Thu, Aug 29, 2013 at 10:11 AM, Egon Willighagen <
Post by Egon Willighagen
Hi all,
Ola Spjuth and I will give a workshop on "Predicting Chemical
Liabilities with Bioclipse and OpenTox" at the European OpenTox
meeting in Mainz/Germany from September 30 to October 2nd.
Information on the full program (with many exciting presentations too,
Bioclipse, of course, is one of the projects aligned with the Blue
Obelisk, and incorporates various other ODOSOS components, as outlined
in our recent paper in BMC Research Notes [0].
Early-booking hotel prices are available until this Saturday, if you
Please also ping me if you are interested in a Blue Obelisk meeting or
dinner. Looking forward to meet up again with the Open Science
chemistry community!
With kind regards,
Egon Willighagen
Dr E.L. Willighagen
Postdoctoral Researcher
Department of Bioinformatics - BiGCaT
Maastricht University (http://www.bigcat.unimaas.nl/)
Homepage: http://egonw.github.com/
LinkedIn: http://se.linkedin.com/in/egonw
Blog: http://chem-bla-ics.blogspot.com/
PubList: http://www.citeulike.org/user/egonw/tag/papers
ORCID: 0000-0001-7542-0286
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Peter Murray-Rust
Reader in Molecular Informatics
Unilever Centre, Dep. Of Chemistry
University of Cambridge